Your Expert Consumer Lawyers
Ginsburg Law Group is focused on representing YOU. We help consumers, just like you, protect their consumer rights and address everyday problems. Whether you are receiving harassing calls, bought a defective motor vehicle, need an estate plan, or having financial issues – we are here to help!
FREE Lemon Law Review by Expert Attorneys
Get Paid $500-$1500 For Your Harassing Robo Calls
Stop Debt Collection Harassment
Lemon Law and Breach of Warranty
Telephone Consumer Protection Act
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Deceptive Trade Practices
Submit Documents to Your Lawyer
Experience and Knowledge
Amy has spent the last nineteen years representing nearly 2,000 consumers across the country against major financial institutions, car manufacturers, debt collectors, and telemarketers. She knows the arguments and defenses they will raise and is prepared from the outset to address any issues she anticipates arising during a case. She also regularly monitors pending litigation to prepare for any potential impact it may have on her cases.
Award-Winning Attorney
When you are dedicated to your career, success comes naturally. Amy is good at what she does and people notice! Amy has been named a Rising Star by Law and Politics Magazine in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as a Lawyer on the Fast Track by the Legal Intelligencer. She is also rated 10.0 by Avvo. She has appeared on news programs and spoken at legal seminars, sharing her knowledge with others.
We Have A Nationwide Presence
Amy is admitted in nine state courts and over thirty federal courts nationwide. Amy has also built relationships with attorneys across the country allowing her to help consumers in many additional jurisdictions. This enables her to help clients throughout the United States, giving them the best legal representation possible.
Free Case Evaluation
Amy is happy to answer questions that you may have about your individual situation and offer a free case evaluation. She encourages you to reach out to her by phone or email. She is also happy to speak with you virtually for your initial case evaluation.
Free Legal Representation
Yes, that’s right, FREE. Many of the statutes we proceed under provide for fee shifting, which means you don’t have to pay – the company you are suing must pay your fees and costs. We also take cases on a contingency basis. Ask us more about this during your free case evaluation!
Our Technology
We utilize an intricate network of legal tools to provide us access to your file wherever we may be – in the office, at court, at home – wherever! We also have access to the top legal databases and legal research tools to provide up-to-the-minute legal strategy for our clients.
We Listen
Many consumers get frustrated because they feel like no one will listen to them or understands their issue. That doesn’t happen at our firm! We want to hear your story because we are on your side. We need to understand what happened so we can fight hard to get you the results you deserve!
We Work Hard for YOU
We know that the most important case is yours. You can be assured that your file will never be shuffled to the bottom of the pile or passed from attorney to attorney. Every person you speak with at our office knows you and your case. We will work hard to move your case forward. Not only will you receive our full commitment to your case, but we will keep you fully informed about all developments and answer all of your questions fully and promptly.
Amy Ginsburg
Amy is a graduate of Drexel University, holding dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Political Science and International Area Studies. Following graduation from college, she earned her law degree from Widener University School of Law.
Since law school, she has practiced in various areas of civil litigation including real estate, commercial, personal injury, and bankruptcy. Her current practice area involves representing consumers in Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, Pennsylvania Fair Credit Extension Uniformity Act, Truth in Lending, Lemon Law, breach of warranty, and consumer fraud cases, as well as representing consumers in debt defense cases and foreclosures. She has been interviewed on various talk shows and news programs on consumer issues.
Should you be in need of an experienced consumer attorney, don’t wait to give us a call!
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